Monday 13 April 2015

Short Story Micro Unit

Short Story Micro Unit (April 13th – April 23rd)

I am a second semester senior. You are a second semester senior. We’re all second semester seniors. Our young lives are on the cusp of some seismic changes. As such, I have decided to occupy our final two weeks together with two short stories that address concerns relevant to our current condition. As we read these short stories, please consider this question: “What does it mean to be an adult?” Think about notions of independence, maturity, and agency. When does one leave childhood?     

Texts: “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Joyce Carol Oates
            “Rock Springs” Richard Ford

Note: Both texts will be provided for you in print. You do not need to purchase any texts for this micro unit. I have found a pdf of Joyce Carol Oates’ story; it is posted on the blog.

Assessments: Engagement with this micro unit will assessed through two graded discussions. As such, it is critical that you attend class on discussion days: this Friday (4/17) and next Wednesday (4/22). Further, it is critical that you thoughtfully engage in these discussions, so do prepare yourself accordingly. Each discussion will be worth 25 points. You will be assessed based on the quality of your comments.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know after class! J  


Monday, 4/13: Introduce unit & hand out “Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?”

Tuesday, 4/14: Joyce Carol Oates Lecture/Reading Day

Wednesday, 4/15: Have “Where Are You Going Where Have You Been?” Completely Read/small group activity

Thursday, 4/16: Discussion prep activity

Friday, 4/17: Discussion 1) “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”

Monday, 4/20: Introduce Richard Ford’s “Rock Springs”

Tuesday, 4/21: Richard Ford Lecture/ “Rock Springs” reading day

Wednesday, 4/22: Discussion 2) “Rock Springs”

Thursday, 4/23: Mr. Wermeling’s last day/ debrief

Friday: Mr. Charters takes over



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